Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Greek Affair

Last night we gathered for dinner at Michael Ramsden's house, RZIM European Director, with the whole of Jared's program for great Greek food and fellowship. Jared and I arrived early to help Michael and his wife Anne prepare for the dinner. The great passion of Michael's, who is Greek, is to grill these amazing chicken breasts that have marinated for days in a special Greek family recipe. Well, it seems to have been raining for days now here in Oxford and the wind has been fierce. After quick contemplation, Jared and Michael proceeded to construct the family patio furniture into a sort of protective hut over the grill so to still be able to grill the infamous chicken. The two had a great time during the intermittent rain talking, skewering meat, and smoking a stogie. The food all ended up great in the end and the time spent with everyone was very enjoyable. As the term draws to a close and good-byes are just around the corner, the time last night gave everyone a chance to laugh and reminisce of the year that has been. Of course, everyone left before I remembered to take a picture of the group. Oh well. Bye for now. Meg

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