Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Up a Creek....

I have been working on this post on and off for the last week. Its a long one and things that take a long time these days...are well, taking a long time. Life with 3, 3 and under, is busy and chaotic but we are having a wonderful time adjusting. We love our new little addition. 
We traveled to Aliceville, Alabama last Tuesday to a little mysterious place called "Shark Tooth Creek." I had heard about this place from a few who had been there and was curious to explore with my little ones myself. The man in the picture below owns a large amount of land that has a creek that runs quite a long ways through some of his property. In this creek, you can find literally tons and tons of shark teeth. "Really?," you ask. Yes, really. These teeth are supposedly from (according to what you believe about Creation its different for everyone) a really, really long time ago. (Can anyone tell I am sleep deprived? I think I have used the words really and long way to many times thus far into my telling of our adventure. brain can not find a whole lot of new vocab. words at the moment.) You can find all along the creek about 16 different species of shark teeth as well as many types of fossils. Supposedly this area was (in very simple terms) the ocean and the coast was around where Birmingham is today. So you can (and others have) found shark teeth in other creeks around the lower south, but his property was apparently close to an island or was an island where shark congregated or breed or something like this (ok, really, I did not hear everything he told us at the beginning since I was trying to chase down Kingston who kept disappearing and also soothe Hudson to sleep. Yes, I just called him Hudson. The name game may be over...I think we have settled on Hudson.) All I know was that we got into this trailer and rode across his property flying at speeds not completely fit for a group of children (and a newborn in a stroller) up and down hills, onto the highway (THE HIGHWAY!!!), and over to another part of the property with more hills and bumps, finally arriving to the creek we explored. 
My boys thought they had died and gone to heaven. They kept looking at me like, "Mom, where have you taken us? You mean to tell me we can splash in mud and water and pick up rocks (and shark teeth) for the next two hours? "Yes, my children," I said to them. "I am a wonderful Mom to bring to this place." Kidding, Kidding. But it did feel good to know that all my efforts of corralling them out of the house early that morning, packing a picnic, toting a newborn, and being gone all day was worth the effort. They were in heaven. 
We had an absolutely perfect day weather wise and the creek was just beautiful. The shark teeth are literally all up and down the creek. All you have to do is look down. Alder was really into hunting for teeth, Kingston loved the rocks/water/mud, and I was super into it.  In fact, I was so into looking for shark teeth myself (after all I did have a bag to fill with my name on it) that I wasn't watching Kingston at one point and he, well, went swimming. Bless his heart. 
We had a great time with our friends from our co-op home school group and other ones who came along too. I highly recommend going to Shark Tooth Creek and finding some teeth yourself if you live close by. I mean afterwards you could make some pretty sweet shark tooth necklaces. :)     
 This is Mr. Ken talking all about the creek and how the Natural HIstory Museum sends people down here to study the teeth, the creek, and the land since it is such a unique place and so on and so on (but I missed a lot of that), but it looks like our friends were listening well. 

A picture of everyone piled into the cow trailer and Kingston trying to escape. I don't blame ya buddy. 

Alder loved hunting for the teeth. 

Oh, and sticks. Kingston loved the plethora of sticks all along the creek. 
And as seen in the picture below, poor Hudson had no idea what was going on.

And you may be wondering, "is that a breath right strip on Kingston's nose???" No, its a butterfly closure band aid. He fell the night before on a toy in his room after bath time. It was awful. I have never seen so much blood. It was gushing out everywhere. We almost went to the ER (that would have been twice for Kingston in less than a month) but our dear friend and neighbor who is a nurse practitioner came and helped us apply surgical- grade super glue to it and butterfly band aids. It still looks awful and I will have to diligently apply Mederma to it for the next many months so he won't have a horrendous scar on his nose. Any other recommendations for helping to prevent scarring? Oh, my Kingston. He is a complete hand full.

My older absouletly loved the whole cow trailer part of the adventure. I had to talk Alder into getting off it once we arrived at the creek. Conrad Hudson sacked out in his car seat, that was attached to the jog stroller, pushed deep into the woods and lifted down a steep bank on the creek bed. Bless his little heart...thank you for sleeping in your car seat Hudson. You are my first child to do so. Thank you! 

Our treasures.
Our adventure: super fun

Friday, April 8, 2011

Conrad Hudson: Day 28

He is pudgy and soft and chubby and "oh-so kissable".
I constantly am kissing his face and telling him that his Mama just loves him to bits.
I do. I love this little boy. 
He is a hungry little one. My hungriest one yet. He nurses every 3 hours and through the night without any long stretches of sleep and I must say, its wearing me out. He is already close to 11 lbs. and has rolls on his back around his neck. 
He seems to be "waking up" more these days and looking at the world around him, which is mostly just his brothers in his face. 
People ask me how Alder and Kingston have adjusted to their new brother and to be honest its like to them that Conrad Hudson has been here all along. They love him dearly and I have yet to see any jealousy. They are fascinated by him and his sounds and particularly his love of nursing. Alder likes to ask all about "Mama's milk" and then have me tell him that I nursed him too just like his youngest brother is now.
So far Conrad Hudson has set himself apart from his brothers in his ability to grunt. He grunts when he is sleeping and when he is awake and especially after he has finished eating. I mean he sounds like a little piggy. He just grunts and grunts. We all laugh. 
We still have yet to determine a name to call him and so we are still calling him Conrad Hudson (quite frankly its driving me crazy!!!). Alder has taken to calling him "Con", Kingston can't talk, I prefer Hudson, and Jared likes Conrad. And a lot of the time we just say, "the baby".
The other day Alder was telling a friend that "he is just a like a little angel" and that his baby brother "smells delicious". Where does he come up with this stuff? 
I think we all can agree though....he is just like a little angel and he does smell pretty delicious. 

Houston AND the Ninth Floor trailer

Well its going to be awhile before I can post the trailer for my brother's movie. 
It appears that there are some copyright concerns, etc., etc., etc. 
He has been advised to enter it into some more film festivals around the country and so it is ill advised to post it to a public domain before then. 
All to say, I think that is a pretty good sign that he has done well with this film and just may have a future in filmmaking/acting. 
If you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you can see it on my wall or even ask Houston Settle to be your friend. He may just say, "yes!" :) 
No, don't hesitate asking him because I know that we wants a lot of people to see the trailer as it helps "get" the movie out there. 

Happy Friday to you! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pretty Proud.....

I must brag just a bit on my youngest brother. 
He is currently a junior at Ole Miss and is in the theater arts program. 
He has aspirations to be successful one day in the film industry. 
He and his best friend from childhood won a contest at Ole Miss to have their screenplay funded and turned into a film. It debuts this weekend at the Ole Miss film festival. 
Here is the trailer. 
I think its pretty cool. 
He wrote the screenplay, the score, hired all the actors, Jordan has filmed all of it, and Houston is the main actor in it. 
We are pretty proud. 