Friday, April 3, 2009

The books come to life....

We took Alder out to the Hall's house a few weeks ago to show Alder all of their animals. They have turkeys, chickens, baby chicks, horses, a donkey, cows, dogs, cats, and on and on. Alder looked with amazement as he watched all of these animals and wanted to touch them. You could tell his brain was just firing off the connection between all the stories we read with these animals in them and seeing them for the first time in real life. He was fearless in "walking" (he is not walking yet by himself, he just likes to hold your finger and walk....ugghhh! I cannot believe I am almost 8 months pregnant and I am still carrying Alder) up to all the animals and wanted to feed them whatever he could find off the ground. The donkey was especially fun as he was so sweet and curious. It was a fun Saturday afternoon outing.

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