Monday, August 15, 2011

Fanatical about Hudson

Kingston is obsessed with Hudson. Obsessed. In fact, he is so obsessed that his intense love for his younger brother often gets him in trouble. I mean the babe can only take soooo many kisses, hugs, and cuddles and its usually a good thing to let littlest man breath every second or so. Kingston smothers him with his love. 
I took these yesterday after they had gotten up from their afternoon naps and they were snuggling with each other on the couch. Hudson by the way is about 19 lbs. and 5 months and Kingston is barely 25 lbs and 2 years old. 
Do you see the sheer excitement on Kingston's face below? Every time he sees Hudson, its like he is seeing him for the first time EVER. I love brothers.  

1 comment:

hadleybinion said...

SOO cute! Can't wait to see you this weekend and meet precious Hudson!!!!