Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You know you live in Alabama when......

You ride around town like this.....or home from church. 

And here's the latest baby update since I look like I might just have the baby any day now....
I saw my doctor on Friday and I am doing well, baby's weight looks to be about 7lbs 7oz at this point, and I am 3 cm dilated. The baby could come tomorrow or it could come in two weeks. Who knows??? I am feeling more on the miserable side now then on the "feeling ok even though I am in my 3rd trimester" side. I will keep you posted if anything happens. 

Happy March 1st!


Unknown said...

lookin good!

Susan said...

Meg, I love your title "You know you live in Alabama when...." and that picture is ADORABLE ! Hope you continue to do well ! Susan LeSourd